Dear colleagues,

On June 6 you received an email from Press Ganey with a link to a very important survey where you can share your voice and your experience. We need your honest feedback in order to make the UNC School of Medicine the best place it can be. More participation in the SHARE survey will give school leaders better data to inform decisions about our working environment.
Responses from the last survey generated valuable changes, including:
- The creation of staff development grants to help employees build their skillsets
- Multiple leadership training and continuous learning efforts, including the Senior Administrative Leader Academy, Pathways, Leadership in Academic Medicine Program, Leading Transformation in Academic Medicine Program, and more
- A commitment from the school to review compensation rates and meet national benchmarks and market salaries
- Career ladder and development opportunities for clinical research staff
- Expanded communications efforts to keep our community informed
- An annual staff summit event to celebrate staff members
- Expansion of the UNC-Chapel Hill employee discount program
Please take a few moments to share what is working well and share your ideas for additional improvements that will make the school a better place to work. Your feedback is completely confidential.
Click here for more information on the survey and what to do if you did not receive a link.
Thank you for taking time to share your experiences.
Cristy Page, MD, MPH
Executive Dean, UNC School of Medicine
Chief Academic Officer, UNC Health