Interventional Neuroradiology Services
Interventional neuroradiology (or endovascular neurosurgery), is practiced by specially-trained neuroradiologists, neurosurgeons and neurologists, utilizing an endovascular approach to treat vascular diseases of the central nervous system. These diseases include aneurysms, arteriovenous malformations (AVMs) and stroke in the adult and pediatric populations.
Since the emergence of interventional neuroradiology more than four decades ago, technological advances have lead to progress in scientific knowledge and the development of highly efficient endovascular devices allowing for a better understanding and identification of the vascular lesions that may be treated. The endovascular devices are introduced through catheters in the peripheral blood vessels and advanced to the vascular abnormality in the brain or spine. Once in position, they can be used to block abnormalities within the vessels to protect from hemorrhage or to open up blocked arteries to improve the blood flow. Coils, liquid embolic materials, stents and clot retrieval devices are examples of therapeutic devices commonly used by interventional neuroradiologists.
Interventional neuroradiology is also involved in the treatment of traumatic lesions in the head and neck region, pre-operative devascularization of tumors and other vascular masses, as well as in percutaneous spinal procedures like augmentation of vertebral compression fractures.
UNC is pleased to have one of the most experienced neuro-interventional teams in the region. Dr. Sten Solander and Dr. Hortensia Alvarez have more than 40 years of combined experience in treating neurovascular diseases using interventional means in adults and children. This experience along with a team of neurosurgeons, neurologists and the neuro-intensive care specialists, makes UNC particularly strong in the field of interventional neuroradiology neurosurgery.