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At the beginning of the academic year in the UNC Department of Surgery, faculty members and residents attend a sorting party where they are assigned to a mentorship house. Surgery’s houses have themed names nodding to the houses in Harry Potter’s Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardy: Rhabdoclaw, Gastryndor, Hepatopuff, Spleenerin, and Proctopin.

At the party, General Surgery Program Director Dr. Trista Reid dons a Dumbledore costume, attendees and their family members dress up, and attendees are assigned to their mentorship houses. The houses compete throughout the year to earn points through activities including a robotic surgery competition, in-training service exam awards, filling out entrustable professional activities, event attendance, fall semester pumpkin carving, and more.

Additionally, houses host social events throughout the year to foster community. At the end of the academic year, the house with the most points wins the House Cup. The concept originated from Professor of Surgery and Associate Chair for Education Dr. Timothy M. Farrell.