MacOS JAMF Pro Enrollment & Office 2016 Installation
JAMF Pro is a device management tool used to deliver software and help to provide service and management for Apple devices on the School of Medicine network. JAMF Pro will be used to provide Office 2016 to Mac users in preparation for the Office 365 migration. Following the below instructions will install JAMF Pro and install Office 2016 if it is not already installed on your Mac.
Part 1: Enrollment
1. Open Safari.
2. Navigate to
3. Log in with your ONYEN and ONYEN Password.
4. Click on Download.
5. Open the file and install.
6. Once the install is complete, you will be enrolled in JAMF Pro.
Part 2: Office 2016 Installation
1. After enrollment is complete, Self-Service will be available in your Applications folder. If you do not already have Office 2016 installed, it will appear in Self-Service.
2. Before installing Office 2016, note that the operating system required to install and run Office 2016 is MacOSX 10.10.
3. Find Microsoft Office 2016 under the Featured category, and click Install. This process may take up to 45 minutes.
4. Congratulations! You now have Office 2016!