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The Carolina Acute Stroke Training (CAST) program was developed by the UNC Stroke Team under the leadership of Dr. Susan Wilson DNP, RN, ANP-BC. Learners for CAST include registered nurses, advanced practice providers, first responders, pharmacists, allied health professionals, and a wide variety of persons with different backgrounds, education and experience.

Each module ends with a “Completion Certificate” which indicates learning hours for a wide range of learners. The learning hours include time for reviewing the module, discussing it with colleagues, and reviewing additional resources.

The CAST program includes nine on-line modules:

  • Module 1: Anatomy & Physiology – 1.5 hrs
  • Module 2: Introduction to Strokes – 1.5 hrs
  • Module 3: Emergency Management – 1.5 hrs
  • Module 4: Acute Ischemic Stroke Treatment – 2.5 hrs
  • Module 5: Management of Hemorrhage – 3 hrs
  • Module 6: Stroke Prevention – 3.5 hrs
  • Module 7: Nursing Care of the Stroke Patient – 2 hrs
  • Module 8: Stroke Rehabilitation – 2 hrs
  • Module 9: Pediatric Stroke – 1.5 hrs

Who should complete CAST?

Any healthcare worker is welcome to participate in this free of charge educational program to gain additional knowledge and information on the care of patients with stroke.

Where do I go to complete CAST?

Please access the modules here:
Once there, click on ‘create an account’ the first time you use the program. Create a free account and begin completing the modules. You can start and stop at any time as well as re-access any of the modules at any time to review content.


Susan Wilson, UNC Stroke NP