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Access to School of Medicine (SOM) websites is provided through the Office of Information Technology or by site administrators. For security reasons, only users with an active Onyen can be given access to a School of Medicine website. If you need to add someone who is outside of the University, they will need to get an Affiliate Onyen.

Request Access

The easiest way to gain access to a SOM website is to request it from the site administrator. They can follow the steps outlined below to grant you access. If you do not know who the site administrator is, you may request access by emailing Web Help. Please indicate the website you need access to and as well as the level of access needed (Administrator, Editor, Author) which is explained below.

How to Add a New User

  1. In the dashboard, click on Users.
  2. Click on the Add New button at the top of the page or the Add UNC User link in the dashboard’s left-hand navigation.
  3. Add the Onyen where indicated.  You can add multiple users at one time by separating the Onyens with commas or new lines.
  4. Select a role to assign to the new user.
  5. Click the Add Users button.

Note: Some personnel from UNC ITS and School of Medicine IT will be granted access to your site for support reasons.  These people may display under the Users category of the dashboard.

User Roles

WordPress has five different user roles that can be assigned to individual users, each with their own capabilities and limitations. These roles are, Subscriber, Contributor, Author, Editor, and Administrator. The Subscriber role is not used on School of Medicine websites since we don’t allow comments on our sites.

Anyone assigned a role on a School of Medicine (SOM) website can add/delete/change user roles but only at their level and below. For example, a site Author would not be able to add someone with an Editor or Administrator role. They would only be able to add/edit/delete site Authors or Contributors.

Anyone that is granted the role of site Administrator must first attend one of our Web Training: Introduction classes to ensure they understand the basics of the SOM web system. Editors assigned other roles are strongly encouraged to attend this training. It is the responsibility of the primary site administrator to ensure all site editors are adequately trained.

In the following table, the term media pertains to images, files (pdf files, Word documents, PowerPoints, etc.), audio and video.

Capabilities Contributor Author Editor Administrator
Can create, edit and delete their own unpublished news posts and events. User can’t publish this content – it must be published by someone with a higher role. x x x x
Can create, edit and delete their own unpublished people profiles. Limitation – user cannot assign Divisions to these profiles. x x x x
Can upload media items. x x x x
Can publish their own news posts, events and directory profiles (still can’t assign Divisions to profiles). x x x
Can edit, delete and publish news posts, events and directory profiles created by other people. Still can’t assign Divisions to profiles. x x
Can create, edit, delete and publish their own as well as other peoples’ pages. x x
Can assign Divisions to directory profiles. x
Can add, edit and delete users as well as change user roles. x
Can modify the top navigation. x
Can modify widgets. x
Can create and edit forms. x
Can manage plugins. x