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You can access the shortcodes for these headers by navigating to the visual editor on the page you want to edit, and clicking on Shortcodes > White Coat Theme Shortcodes. Clicking on the shortcode will add it to the page, then you can customize it to include your content.Screenshot showing where to find the White Coat Shortcodes in the editor.

School of Medicine Header

The School of Medicine Header shortcode can be used to introduce important sections of content on your home page or other pages of your site.

Example of the School of Medicine Header shortcode option on the UNC Men's Health Program website.
The Men’s Health website shows multiple examples of the SOM Header
An example of the School of Medicine Header on the Department of Surgery homepag.
The Department of Surgery homepage shows examples of the SOM Header

[medheader]Your Header Title Here[/medheader]

SOM Intro Tagline

This short code is used to display a tagline and short thought that emphasizes the mission or purpose of your site.

Example of the SOM Intro Tagline shortcode on the main School of Medicine website.

The School of Medicine homepage shows the SOM Tagline

[som-intro tagline="Your tagline here"]Content[/som-intro]

Stylized Title

This shortcode is used to introduce different sections of content on a page.

Example of the Stylized Title on the HTSF website.
The HTSF website shows examples of the Stylized Title
Example of the Stylized Title on the Biochemistry website.
The Biochemistry website shows examples of the Stylized Title

[stylized-title]Header goes here[/stylized-title]

Font Awesome Section Header

This shortcode allows you to add an icon to the header that aligns with the topic of your content.

Example of the Font Awesome Section Header on the Department of Medicine.
The Department of Medicine shows examples of the Font Awesome Section Header
Examples of the Font Awesome Section Header on the Allied Health Sciences homepage.
The Allied Health Sciences homepage shows examples of the Font Awesome Section Header

You will replace “your fa icon” with an icon id. Click here to find the available icon ids.
[fa-section id="your fa icon"]Header Title[/fa-section]

Department Header Wrapper

You can use this shortcode to introduce the name and mission of your department on your site’s homepage.

Example of the Department Header Wrapper on the Department of Medicine website.
The Department of Medicine website shows the Department Header Wrapper
Example of the Department Header Wrapper on the High Throughput Sequencing Facility website.
The High Throughput Sequencing Facility website shows the Department Header Wrapper

[department-intro name="Department/ Division Title"]Content[/department-intro]

Clean Quote Shortcode

This shortcode displays a quote from an important person

Example of the Clean Quote shortcode on the Department of Surgery homepage.
The Department of Surgery homepage shows examples of the Clean Quote shortcode
