Allison Carter, MD
Resident Physician
At the heart of all great residency programs are the residents. We are extremely excited to have an enthusiastic, well-rounded group of individuals who are dedicated to creating an enriched, welcoming environment. All of our residents take great pride in not just taking care of our patients but in taking care of each other. Outside of the hospital, we take the Raleigh-Durham area by storm with social events, trivia tournaments and enjoyment of the outdoor activities readily available. We encourage you to read more about our residents as they truly bring our program to life!
Resident Physician
Resident Physician
Resident Physician
Resident Physician
Resident Physician
Resident Physician
Resident Physician
Resident Physician
Resident Physician
Resident Physician
Resident Physician
Resident Physician
Resident Physician
Resident Physician
Resident Physician
Resident Physician
Resident Physician
Resident Physician
Resident Physician
Resident Physician
Resident Physician
Resident Physician
Resident Physician
Resident Physician
Resident Physician
Resident Physician
Resident Physician
Resident Physician
Resident Physician
Resident Physician