pOME Sequences
pOMEs by the ORFeome group available for download as genbank file
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- R : plasmid is pVR21
- C : plasmid is pCAGGS
- N : 3x FLAG tag at 5′ end (instead of 3′)
- CO : Codon-optimized
- L : Lentivirus
- NP : Nuclear protein
- GP : Glycoprotein
- ssGP : Small secreted glycoprotein
- VP : Viral protein
- IGR : Intergenic region
- IGR L : Intergenic region, long
- sGP : Soluble glycoprotein
- UTR : Untranslated Region
- MA: Mouse Adapted
- RBD : Receptor Binding Domain
- nsP : Non-structural Protein
- hyp / hypo : Hypothetical